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Thursday 14 June 2012


hey guys...sorry cause nowadays cannot online due to the homeworks at school.....
but thank god i gt time to online now...:)
these days i felt a little bit emo ...i think is bcause the high pressure in school...
i did'nt do well at the mid-term exam because i did t study and work hard and i know is too late to regret about tat...=((
so i will study very hard right now and get all As in the next exam...
i hope i will not let anyone done again...sorry !!!
GAMBATEH!!u can do it by just believing in yourself...=D))

1 comment:

  1. hey dorin...my blog change link liao ..now is http://www.josie-chin.blogspot.com
    and,i wan to tell u~~~~~~We gambateh together XDD
