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Saturday 30 July 2011


最竟发生了很多事情令我很烦。。。。而且考试要到了。。。都不知道还有没有时间温习完全部的科目。。。。我会尽量考到十名以内的。。。因为我以答应了我的家人所以我不会让他们失望的。。=))DORIN。。GAMBATEHHHH!!!!.....♥HOPE MY FRIENDS ALSO CAN GET GOOD RESULTS IN EXAM....=DDD

BY-DORIN =))  ♥ 

Sunday 24 July 2011


i felt very happy yesterday cause i have a lot of fun yesterday.....=DD....but i dun have chance 2 support other stall cause me n my friends were busy at the stall...by the way our stall was a success ...n i m happy about tat....=)) ♥...i hope  next time also gt chance 2 have a stall with friends n bring happy to all tat support us....THX ALL TAT SUPPORT US YESTERDAY.....=))

                                          THE DOMO TAT WE GIVE AT MY STALL~~~=)) ♥  

                                           DAMN CUTE LAHH WEHHHH...XDDD

                                          AWW.. ♥ANGRY BIRDS N DOMO.....=DD ♥ 


Friday 22 July 2011


so excited 4 hari koko cause i noe i'm gonna have a lot of fun in school.....=DD....n me n my friends also have a stall there.....our stall 's name is SHOOT DA' BALLoos...XDD......is a really fun game n if u win u can get an ANGRYBIRD SOFTTOYS.....=)))really looking 4ward to tat dayyy till cannot sleep...XD...i hope me n my friends can have a lot of fun tat day.....=))) ♥


Saturday 16 July 2011


today is the first volleyball training......is really fun n i hav learn a lot of things......i hope i can keep it up....n become a better player in volleyball....=DDD


Sunday 3 July 2011


today i am very happy because i can go out with my family.......i really enjoy it anyway......n i also got the"peluang"to buy my favourite candy---STICKY~~♥...thx to my mom.....mom i love u....=DDD....i will upload some pics that had taken by me later....thx.......=))
